Kellie Miles

Hi! My name is Kellie Miles, I’m a 21 year old freelance photographer looking to build up my own individual business, Nineteen Shots. I was born and raised in Michigan, I’ve been exploring different mediums of art for as long as I can remember. Then, in 2017, I had a huge turning point in my artistic career. I found, and quickly fell in love with Photography.

In 2019, I had the opportunity to attend the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association summer camp at Michigan State University. This experience not only helped me grow tremendously as a Photographer, but also guided my decisions for the next stages of my life. As I attended this summer camp I also fell in love with Michigan State’s campus, and now, this May, I am graduating from Michigan State with a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts and a minor in Business. 

Photography has brought me endless opportunities, each in which I have grown more as a Photographer and a person. What I love about Photography the most is the memories you make while you are creating/capturing images, those moments are just as good as the photos themselves. Over the past three years I’ve also begun to take an obsession to Polaroids, this made me fall in love with Photography all over again. I’m positive I’m never going to get sick of having a camera of any kind in my hands, I look forward to continuing to learn and capture more memories of my life and yours too!